Monday, November 22, 2010

New Start

Dating and relationships are hard under the best of circumstances.  Being bipolar - well, I wouldn't call it the best of circumstances.  I generally shy away from anything that might be a romantic connection because I hate the idea of wondering how they feel, how I feel, if I can control my moods around them, and if I should tell them - hey, I'm crazy.  There is NO good time to bring that up.  Someone let me know if you've found otherwise.

The stress of it actually can be a trigger for me and make me uberparanoid.  About everything.  I also have serious doubts about my ability to withstand heartbreak.  Now, I know I don't need to enter every relationship thinking about the what ifs and jumping into the future...but quite frankly, I find it fairly difficult to just completely ignore it.  To some degree, I must be utterly girly and overanalyze.  But because I hate this, I usually avoid it.

Usually.  Recently, in an effort to take more chances and to determine what it is I want and like in my life, I agreed to meet a couple new people.  One of whom I met tonight.

All I can say is I am certainly glad I did. We will see what happens.

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