Friday, September 17, 2010

Look Out

Apparently a tornado blew through NY yesterday.  It pretty much just passed me right by but I did get some massive lightening and thunder as well as torrential downpours.  I was at my office too, which is about 30 floors up and right outside my window, I could see the chaos of the storm so perfectly and so beautifully.  I love big storms, I love the possibilities they hold, the excitement they provoke, the way they push people into caring for other people, and how peace emerges after it's done.

Now, I'm not talking like massive natural disasters here - I just mean the ones that you by surprise with the crazy weather they bring.  I've gone through several pretty massive earthquakes and a couple of minor blizzards, but that's the worst of it.  I can't imagine what's it's like to experience that next level of storminess - and thats ok with me.

Part of the reason I love storms so much, especially thunder and lightening, is because they are so fierce, so dramatic, and so dangerously thrilling, but once over and gone, so relieving.  I'm watching and waiting, and hoping to make it through to the end.  For me, this is a lot like being manic.  Everything takes on a new edge and is dangerously thrilling and I'm so involved in the chaos...but part of me is just waiting for that second it breaks to breathe a deep sigh of relief.

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