Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Where to start, where to start??

Well, sorry for the long absence, but I'm finally back from Europe!  I went to Ireland and Amsterdam and revelry most certainly ensued.  It was a great time and I am, quite frankly, not thrilled to be back.  Travelling is one of my most favorite things.  I get extrememly restless if I am in one place too long.

But back I am.  Back to cold, gray, rainy weather.  I feel pretty gray.  I've got a lot going on this month and am feeling like I don't have the time to do any of it.

Also had a dr.'s appointment today.  My most recent blood test came back all fine, all meds are within theraputic levels, and no big nasty side effects as of yet.  Doc and I discussed cutting down my sleeping meds to a lower dosage, so we're going to try that and see how it goes.  I don't take the pills every day, but when I do, they seem to work ok - I don't wake up as often, so hopefully that will be maintained with the lower dosage.  We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Green with Envy I so want to visit Ireland... I hope you had a splendid time away from the rat race.
